SIRT Pocket Pistol Compatible Holster Now Available

SIRT training pistols from Next Level Training are fantastic dry fire training guns. SIRT stands for shot indicating resetting trigger and true to their name they provide a functional and realistic trigger with a built in laser for accuracy related feedback.

As of this writing there are 7 different models of SIRT pistols on the market. Six of them closely replicate a specific make/model of firearm and as such if you need a holster for your SIRT pistol you are probably going to just buy a holster for the corresponding gun for which the SIRT is modeled.

However, that won't work for you with the SIRT Pocket Pistol. The SIRT Pocket Pistol, or SIRT PP, isn't modeled after any specific make or model of firearm. It is meant to be generic but similar to many popular single stack micro-compact firearms. This present a challenge if you purchase the SIRT PP in order to get some good dry fire that is comparable to your firearm but then find it doesn't fit well (or at all) in your EDC holster.

So, we decided this was an easy problem to fix. Now you can buy a SIRT Pocket Pistol training holster here on KSG Armory Holsters website.

SIRT Pistol IWB / OWB Training Holster

Since the holster isn't actually used for EDC but for training only, it comes by default with a low quality belt clip that will suffice for dry fire but which we normally wouldn't include on our holsters.

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